The UPDF will soon undergo a restructuring in which the Army Commander and Spokesman will be replaced.
A new president will arise in Egypt. Through him, the Gospel will spread in the Country. In place of the current President, i saw a youthful President who will be in his 40's.

Thus saith the LORD, "I have not turned a deaf ear to South Sudan. I will do a quick thing in the appointed time. For in the next three years,there will be a shift in this Nation. The ground shall be leveled and the wrong people shall be removed.Then the next seven years after the three years,the Nation shall take off.For none of the two present leaders shall bring peace to this nation but at the appointed time a youthful man shall rise up who is from this country but grew up out of Africa, he is highly educated. During that time this nation shall raise up many missionaries who will go out to preach the Gospel to the rest of the world " says the LORD.