And I see a country, and I see the word Madagascar, and I see water in that country and I am wondering what it means and the Lord says, so shall there be a move and a sweep of my Spirit in that country. The Lord says there will be a move of my Spirit in that country, there will be a revival that will be birthed in that country, that also will be symbolized by the visible waters that will come in that country.

The Lord says when they say, “these waters are going to kill people”, the Lord says, it is not to kill people, it is not to finish people, but it is a sign that speaks of the revival that I am sending in that nation says the Spirit of the Living God. There will be a change in leadership in that country. A change of leadership in that country.

And I saw four Angels, I am seeing four Angels in this country Uganda and the Lord says, these Angels have come to you. And they come to you because they are Angels of shifts. Bringing your nation to the shifting that I am ushering this nation into. A shifting that is being accomplished by the messengers that I dispatch in this country promises the Lord. There is no one who can stand in the way of the shift, the shifting must take place in this country. God has preordained that it shall be, so shall it be. Nothing can stop it, the shift must take place. Darkness cannot prevail over this nation; the light of God overtakes darkness in this country.This country is for Jesus. Light is everywhere, I speak light.

The Spirit of God says, when they planned to come up with a paper that will look like a newspaper to promote witchcraft in this country, things of the eastern religion, the Lord says it shall not prevail. It shall not prevail. For the Spirit of God says, even as I have spoken in the days past that those that have put their trust in other idols, in small gods shall be put to shame.For God says it is the cause of their downfall, how the mighty have fallen. For the Spirit of God says, a lamentation shall be taken of how the mighty have fallen, why, because they put their trust in gods that are just idols. Because in the Spirit I see the fall of a certain man, in the armed, the man is carrying the title of a general, but there is a fall of his life; why ? because they have refused to put their faith in the true God, so things start to befall them, the enemy finds a way into their lives, but I pray Lord, that you deliver such people. I pray that their eyes be open Lord, that they will know you as the true living God that they can trust Lord and they will repent of every idol worship in the Name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.

I pray against fire; I see fire around a certain big mosque. Though they serve another god, I pray because I don’t believe in that. I speak against that in the Name of Jesus. I speak the blood of Jesus Christ and I cancel that in the Name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God.Let’s continue to pray because I saw a plane from west Africa for soldiers crashing with them in it. This God that I serve doesn’t delight in people’s death. He reveals that he may save. We cancel that in the name of Jesus Christ.

Father we rebuke every spirit from the pit of hell of death in the Name of Jesus. I saw a reelection of some MP in a sensitive place in Rubaga South. The cause of this death was bad but I cancel it in the Name of Jesus Christ.