By ewpmadmin on Friday, 20 September 2013
Category: Sermons

Why God Responds To People with Big Dreams - Sermon

Once again we give thanks to God for the multiple testimonies every week. Every day we face the challenge of people that criticize the Pentecostal movement but then that is not right with God. You know that God always looks at our strengths and not our weaknesses. As Christians we should avoid criticizing religions but focus more on protecting the church. We here at Eagles Wings Prophetic Ministry focus only on your strengths


because we know that the goodness of the Lord shall bring you to repentance. A lot of great things are happening this month.Sometimes, when we are against the wall, we begin to console ourselves with statements like “after all I am still alive”. But what He says and what He has spoken shall come to pass; He must perform it. So reject that spirit of consolation. Believe and do not allow anything that aborts your faith; let every man be a liar but God be true. He is faithful to fulfill what He has spoken. Jeremiah 1:12 the Lord says He is watching over His word to perform it. So do not give up on this year 2013. You know what you want and what He has told you – go for it. Three/four months back a brother invited me to pray for his pregnant wife. When I prayed I told him that all is well but what I had seen was a little unclear. He noticed it and asked me what I had seen. I told him that ‘first I had seen a boy and then I immediately saw a girl and they were one – I do not know whether they’ll first be a boy and then a girl and they shall love one another’. So he asked whether I was seeing twins, I told him I did not know. Today he told me that his wife had delivered twins – a boy and a girl.


That is how interesting the Lord is. Things are happening. This is not new; even in 1 Kings 13 the prophet prophesied to the alter that the child shall be born. That is the God that we serve; we shall know things before they happen. God is still in the process of working miracles and prophesying accurate things in our lives. That is why I always tell you that different prophets operate in different grace. One can be able to prophesy about nations but when it comes to babies he/she misses. Another can be able to give specifics on callings and gifting but when it comes to national issues, they are not as spot on. This God does because He wants the prophets to work together, to be dependent on each other and on God. No one can say ‘I am the only Elijah of this generation or the only John the Baptist’. God created a ‘company of prophets’. It is important in the prophetic to know the grace upon your life and your limitation. And this why here in Eagle’s Wings we believe in a prophetic camp and not a single prophet because we know that God has gifted us differently.


Even Pastors, Evangelists, Apostles or Teachers have different grace. One Evangelist may be blessed in deliverance and he stands at a pulpit and all demons go; another may be gifted in healing. Some Pastors have the grace to pastor big churches while others fulfill their callings in small congregations. It is important to know the grace of God upon your life other than trying to compete because the Spirit of God shall not work where there is competition. I like the statement that came from John the Baptist when his disciples came and told him about Jesus (the person that he John had baptized) – he said that I have to decrease that He may increase! Today I’d like to talk about why God responds to people with big dreams than those with small ones. Those that are visiting us for the first time, God gave us a word about dreaming big and this month of September is a month of new beginnings. When we stretch our faith, God shall raise the standard of our lives. Genesis 12:1-2; God is looking for men and women with such a heart as verse two – I will make you a nation. In other words, God is looking for people with such dreams that impact nations and communities; who are not into themselves.


Not people that are into ‘for God and my stomach’. God is looking for men and women who shall look at Uganda, at their villages or districts and start to see themselves as solutions. He says ‘I will bless you’; He always blesses those with big dreams. Those with big ministries, I pray that you dream bigger in order to impact people outside your nation – and He shall bless you indeed. ‘And I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing’. You cannot be a blessing without you first being a blessing. You cannot give what you do not have. So He first blesses you then you become a blessing. So dream big; stop praying for only your family members. Stretch forth your faith for an orphanage and tell God that I want to be a blessing to these children. May God help us to be delivered from that spirit of self centeredness; a spirit that every time we pray says I, I, I! Daniel the prophet was different, when praying he said ‘Lord we have sinned’ and yet the bible shows that Daniel was a righteous man. The Lord condemned the Pharisee that prayed while praising himself – ‘Lord I give, I tithe.’

Jesus said mourn with those who are mourning and rejoice with those that are rejoicing. In other words, have a big heart. Your joy must be complete when two or three people in your life are rejoicing or when the house of the Lord is rejoicing. When the Lord appeared to Solomon and said ask anything, Solomon asked the Lord for wisdom to rule his people well; it was a big heart for the nation. God was very pleased and that is why he said all the rest is added to you. God wants big hearts. I pray that this message is speaking to all of us. There are many Pastors and brethren in this city that I know have a big heart; they can do anything for the nation or the ministry. If you want to see the hand of God, may He deliver you from being self-centered. Genesis 18:16-19: God asked Himself how he could hide anything from Abraham; the man with a big heart. God is moved by people with big hearts and He cannot hide things from people with such hearts. Even when you do not fast, you’ll find yourself receiving messages from God, telling you things that are going to happen in the future. But if your heart is not for Ministry or community, He shall show you only things that happen to you.


But if you have a big heart, He can even show you things that concern the nation. God says, I cannot hide from Abraham because He is going to become a big nation. Abraham did not fast. He just had a big and non competitive heart. He asked Lot to choose the best. He went to what seemed the infertile land but he was blessed. People with big hearts will be blessed wherever they go. They can handle billions even in their home countries. God wants people who will say ‘I will sacrifice anything to see my community changing; I will sacrifice anything to see my Ministry changing. This is a ministry that blesses me so it must change and advance.’ Verse 19: God makes a powerful statement – I have known him – he is not a selfish man, he is a man of the nation. It is very powerful for God to say – I know you! Something else that is amazing is that the author of the first books in the bible is Moses. But it is in those very five books where we find a scripture that says that ‘Moses was the meekest person on earth’. Now we may think that it is a self centered statement as he is a very person who wrote it. It does not mean that Moses was lying but I believe that God appeared to Moses and told him ‘I know you, you are a very meek man’. Now Abraham’s heart was big and that is why God said you shall be a great nation.


Some people could be asking, how did this happen? Abraham & Sarah gave birth to Isaac and Isaac to Esau and Jacob. God renamed Jacob to Israel and that is the nation we know today. So the promise that God gave to Abraham that he shall be a great nation was fulfilled. You are about to start a great nation in the name of Jesus. If you were disowned in your clan, you shall start your own clan. You do not have to wait for an inheritance, you can start afresh because we serve a mighty God that believes in new beginnings. Abraham did not struggle, he simply had a big heart. As you plan for your children may you plan to be a blessing to others outside your family. Ask the Lord to be a blessing to someone. As you pray for a promotion may you plan to use it to be a blessing. I believe that you have prayed enough it is time that you change your heart until you see God’s hand. As the triple blessing in a hundredfold comes to us in the next one hundred days; start to see yourself blessing and changing someone’s life. Do not feel bad when others prosper but rejoice with them. When you send negative remarks for a person that is testifying, you are blocking your blessings. Jesus made life simple when He said that rejoice with those that are rejoicing; give and you shall receive. One preacher said that the universe is interdependent.


When you as a child of God does not give, even the universe shall deny you. Our mindsets and our hearts need to change. Put your house in order so that the blessing of God, the hand of God shall be revealed in your life. You shall have that wedding, you shall be promoted, and prophecies shall come true. With God all things are possible in the name of Jesus. You’ll go to the States and be blessed and even when you remain in Uganda you shall be blessed. Do not run away from Uganda because things are hard or because a friend is going. You may get there and things still do not work. Blessed shall you be in and out. You’ll be blessed here in Uganda and even in the United States or anyone else around the world!!You can also read Genesis 25:21-26 and Genesis 31:24-28. You shall get more insight from here. As I end, let me share this testimony with you. Sometime back, I visited my Pastor’s church and at that time he was not driving. When he looked at my car, He made an innocent statement that ‘oh may the Lord bless me like he blessed you’.


So I felt bad about that; how could I drive when my Pastor does not? So in a conference that he had hosted, the Lord led me to ask people to start the drive to get him a car. But when I asked the people to pledge, they did not move. So the Lord again led me to start and so I made a pledge of 6 million. When I made that pledge, others stood up and made other pledges of different amounts. At that time I did not know where that money would come from and even my landlord was asking me for rent money. I thought that it would take me about six months to a year to get it. But within a month I had raised 5.3million. People in a miraculous way started bringing it to me. And within a month and a half my Pastor had received his car! The Lord wanted me to stretch my faith that I may be able to see the work of His hand. So see yourself blessing someone and you shall handle new money. You shall no longer struggle because you have a heart; a heart of God. For God so loved the world, the whole world not only Israel, that He gave His only Son. So have a big heart and receive the blessing of the Lord.

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