By ewpmadmin on Friday, 15 March 2013
Category: Prophecy

Week 11

I see in a few days a change in the army. I do not know about the low ranks but I see people in big ranks, big personalities named; there is going to be a reshuffle of the Generals and Lieutenant Generals. I see a lady rising up in the police. She shall be an assistant to the big man, the one heading the police department. She will stand behind the big man and it will be a surprise. It is happening very soon.

And the Lord says that do not be afraid. Do not lose heart says the Spirit, even as a church. For God says one of the pillars in the house of God shall be taken from you. It shall not be bad for God says it shall be his time. He is one of the big generals in the church in the Pentecostal movement and he shall make headline that ‘Pastor has been taken away’. But God says do not be afraid because there is a time for everything and time for every individual, says the Spirit of the Lord.

There is going to be a strong pillar in the Catholic Church in Uganda, a gentleman. He will have something to do with cancer and heart condition. I see God letting him go. God says that time will awaken the Catholic Church. They will be a breakthrough in the Spirit of a certain level of understanding Christ in another dimension once that sign happens in the Catholic denomination.

God is in the business of standing with His chosen nation Israel. I see world leaders that had plotted to harm Israel; I see and hear that as a way of God fighting for Israel, they are failing, they are getting health complications. I see Iran, the leader of Iran getting health complications. The Syrian leader, also the days are over for him.

I see God turning around the arrogance and pride of the North Korean President. He has been arrogant since he came into power but that arrogance, God is going to turn it down. It will go down with all his intentions of starting a war; God is turning it around. His pride cannot save him.

I see a certain kind of attack in Russia. I see it happening on a train; a train attack but it will spread in certain places though the big headline will be concerning a train.


To Members attending Fellowship Meeting

For a long time many of you have sought for clarity but God says I am He that teaches you how to profit and I am going to speak into your lives says the Spirit. God says I will visit you in your dreams and I will instruct you in the ways of how to profit, says the Spirit. For I say unto you that you are in the season where I Myself, I will speak to you, I will instruct you, even as you let me. God says you will no longer walk as those who are in darkness for I will instruct you in the dreams of the night. I will show you the paths to follow and even as you listen to my teachings and my commands, you shall be prosperous says the Spirit of the Lord. Even when everything is falling apart around you, you shall not drown in the waters for by my outstretched hand I will uphold you and you will not drown in the waters says the Lord.




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