By ewpmadmin on Friday, 01 March 2013
Category: Sermons

You are the light of the World - Sermon

According to Matthew 5:14-16, We are the light of the world, and we need to let our light shine so that men can see it and see the glory of God in heaven. We have a responsibility to make that light shine brighter. Some of us our light is deem and others shining brightly. We need to make our light shine according to the talent and gifting God has placed within us.


As doctors, engineers, teachers, pastors, musicians or healers, you name it… you need to excel at what you do; shine so that when people come to you they can see God’s glory. Be the light that even causes demons to flee and witchcraft to distance itself from you.There is power under the prophetic ministry. You may begin to dream dreams, see visions. When the prophet prophesies, he is telling you to a rise and shine because he is telling you who you are. Whatever God show us is meant to help us grow in that area that He has called us to serve. And when we do not rise to fulfill our calling, no one will stand in our place as each has a unique purpose. To do this even better, we need to look beyond our personal needs and think of being a blessing to others; communities, families, and you will be more richly blessed. God wants all of us to enjoy the best. Like Abram on Genesis 15:6, we need to believe in what God has called us to do or be and act that way.