By ewpmadmin on Friday, 15 March 2013
Category: Sermons

Seek first the Kingdom - Sermon

You are not just in this world to eat, drink, get a good job and drive good cars. There is more to that; and that is to fulfill your part in the Kingdom. God is not interested in just believers, He said make disciples of all men; each of us needs to know our role in the Kingdom.Matthew 6:33Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

Do not seek God for earthly things. Do not wake in the morning or fast for 40 days for earthly things but seek first the Kingdom. Because all you need is in the Kingdom; when you seek the Kingdom first, all those things shall be added to you. Things will begin to look for you. When you start to visualize the Kingdom that is how we seek it.

 What is the Kingdom, what did Jesus preach about the Kingdom – Roman 14:17. The Kingdom is more than eating and drinking but righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. Start to visualize the Kingdom in that line – do you have the joy of the Lord, His peace? Some people are very wealthy but have no peace and joy. To seek the kingdom of God, you need to understand this. That is why in the middle of challenges and storms some people have all the peace; it is the peace of the Lord. Pastors can preach the word of the Lord, boldly and forget all their troubles; it is because they understand what it means to seek the Kingdom.

We do not need to run to the Lord asking Him to make us righteous but remember that every child of God received this gift when we accepted Him in our lives, when the Lord shed His blood for us. When God looks at you He sees Jesus. He does all that He does not because you deserve it but because of Jesus. Prophets can speak a thus says the Lord not because of their strength but because of Jesus; we prophecy by the grace of God. Many of us are stagnant today because we have failed to acknowledge the grace of God. It is time for us to open up and cease to do things by out power but accept the Grace of God. That is why when prophets are prophesying they do not do it by looking at what they see on you but according to what they see in the Spirit. They operate by the Spirit of faith that sees things that are not as though they are.

When we acknowledge the Grace of God, we need to take a step put and act. If we want to go abroad then we should go out and get the passport. We should not limit God because there is a place He wants us to go so that we can usher many to that place. Everything we need is on the inside of us. We need not ask God to give us money but to open our eyes so that we can see the opportunities where to get that money. Remember that in all situations God will sustain you because the Kingdom of God is life. Put a deaf ear to negative news but concentrate on the Peace of God, knowing that no situation is permanent. Isaiah 43:2


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