The Assignment
“I am preparing you for a great work in the future, you shall speak for me”.
In the year of 1996, after giving his life to Christ, he had a divine visitation from the Lord Jesus Christ. In a trance, he saw the Lord descending from heaven with multitudes of angelic beings. After the Lord revealed to him various signs of the end times, the lord asked alpha to open his mouth.The Lord gave him something to swallow, which he did. The Lord then spoke these words to Alpha, “I am preparing you for a great work in the future, you shall speak for me”.
After which, Alpha saw Jesus ascend to heaven with the angels. Following this divine encounter, Alpha discovered an innate supernatural ability to discern the secrets of men. When he looked at a person, he received revelations about this person which continued to emerge as long as this fire kept burning. (Jeremiah 20:9). Alpha continued to receive dreams and visions in which the lord took him to visit hell and heaven.
In 2001, Alpha attended his first prophetic conference in Kamuli District located in Eastern Uganda. As the main speaker, Rev Chris Caros (an American Prophet) discerned the personal lives of many in the congregation with great accuracy, he singled out alpha from and declared him a prophet of God and laid his hands on Alpha. It was then that Alpha started to boldly address strangers at various meetings where Christians, Non-believers, Pastors, politicians and people from different walks of life have been in attendance. Alpha also established Bethel Church in Kamuli.
In 2007, the Lord directed him to start apostolic and prophetic conferences throughout the country. Through these conferences he has seen many apostles and prophets arise and respond to their calling. Presently, Alpha is the presiding apostle for the Eagles Wings Ministry based in Kampala. His calling is to restore the ministry of the apostle and prophet in the body of Christ.