Highlights from the Message Let your Star Shine ! Come out of Hiding, that Christ May shine on you Time for the Church to awaken from slumber (Shakeups Globally) God dealing with tribalism and absalom spirit in Uganda The will of God to prevail in the Ugandan Election Exposures in the politics in the first 17 days of January 2021 Coming Resignations from Public Offices ( willingly and forcefully ) Fuel Scarcity Men of God going home this year Oneness in East Africa ( Spreading of the Gospel ) Attempted assassination on DRC Leader Attack on Health of Prominent Kenyan politician Medical Breakthroughs in Kenya
EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog
The word of the LORD comes to me this day of 13th August 2011 concerning the nations of the World:Russia “The person in the top position will have to go through a shakeup. Certain things will be exposed and there will be a time of debate concerning this person even on CNN”. After his departure from office, there will be another controversial President.”“Russia will also be hit by terrible floods that will leave many homeless and some will die especially in the south.”
(To those attending the fellowship) “Money is released into people’s lives. Everything standing in the way is destroyed; I refuse negative reports.”God says there will be divine connections starting 13th March, people will bring you money. Some of you will receive calls from people saying “I have this money, what can you do with it?” Divine connections are coming starting 13th March. I see people buying houses, they shall come here with photos, asking the men of God to go and visit them.
In a few days to come, a few months, the Ministry of Public Service shall have a new Minister. As prophesied before, there is a lady, a cabinet minister on the cabinet of Uganda who is going to resign from her position. It shall be shock to the nation. They will start investigating the reasons for her resignation. But she knows what she is doing and has done is bad and her conscious is not at peace with her.
This year is a unique year, because creation is waiting for the revelation of the sons of God. We believe that we can do what Jesus did while on earth because we are His true representatives. This year is a year to step out, a year to deliver; push. We have been pregnant for years and this is the year to push, the birth pangs are ready and nothing will stop you.
John 11: 20 – Martha told Jesus that I know that whatever you ask of God, He will give you. May the world look us today and say that I know that whatever you ask, God will provide. We need to see ourselves as a vessel of change in our communities, clans and families. We need to look beyond ourselves and into the big picture and we shall see more money coming into our lives. We are not asking God to give us money but to show us where it is because money is here and not in heaven.
Dream received during the week by Prophet Alpha: In the first dream I saw a disastrous event in London that will lead to the loss of many lives. I saw an arrow emerge from a great sea targeting London. When it hit London, there was loss of many lives.In the second dream I saw a great war that will rise in a small nation. I also saw America being accused of supporting this nation.
Due to mounting pressures, a lady minister will resign. While this will cause much wonder in the public it will be for the good of the nation as well as her person.A certain event involving a prominent figure will initiate investigations into the dealings of a certain hotel.There will be a surprise visit to Uganda by a president outside Africa. This president will just wake up one morning and say that he’d like to visit Uganda. His arrival on Ugandan soil will symbolize the beginning political and economic changes in the Country.
I see in a few days a change in the army. I do not know about the low ranks but I see people in big ranks, big personalities named; there is going to be a reshuffle of the Generals and Lieutenant Generals. I see a lady rising up in the police. She shall be an assistant to the big man, the one heading the police department. She will stand behind the big man and it will be a surprise. It is happening very soon.
I picked Saul from his Family and it was the least. It was too much for him. He was not ready to receive the message that i delivered through the Prophet. And i was delighted in Saul. I delighted in him. I said to Samuel, " a man that is like no other one" and when Saul rose to Power, all was going well until the time when he started to take me for granted and he took me lightly.
Some people were supposed to lose their lives in a plane crash but they are going to be saved. It will be a Kenyan plane. They will be saved narrowly. It will be in the news.God says “the weather patterns will change in this nation. You are familiar with rain; the rainy and dry season” but God says “even that which you see in the countries of the west, the mist and the ice, which are strange to a country like Uganda will happen”.
Rest is a very important word. When our Lord Jesus came He said, in Mathew 11:28, ‘come to me you that are heavy laden and I will give you rest’. He called us to give us rest; He wants us to rest. It is not the rest of talked of when one says ‘Rest in Peace’; of death. God wants us to enjoy the rest while still on earth; to have a calm and rested life while still on earth. Rest is for fulfillment on earth not after death as some think. This is the rest I want to share with you.
I perceive a change coming in the management of Mulago Hospital from the top to whatever position that is there. There is a change that is coming and when it happens, the hospital shall be restored back to the former glory that it had in the beginning in the name of the Lord.I see some arrests of some group of people in the South West; they are involved in funny activities but they will be arrested.
The strong earthquake that I have prophesied before in the city of Washington, USA is about to happen. It is not coming because God is judging America. Some of these phenomena are used by God to bring a spiritual message.We should also pray for London. My prophetic Spirit connects that whatever is happening now in the US is going to happen in the UK. We need to pray for our brothers, let us be our brothers’ keepers.
I hear the Lord saying that the changes that I prophesied are not yet over. There will be a change in Army Commander, a new name.It is not yet over says the Spirit of the Lord.There is movement of my Spirit in Gulu, changes are coming in Gulu. There shall be heavy floods. This is not to condemn them or judge them but a sign of the move of my Spirit in that district. They will say ‘these floods are unusual’ but it will be a sign says the Spirit.
We shall continue to pray about a revelation that was given here, a certain prophecy about a spiritual leader dying. I told you it was the will of God. But somehow I pray that God postpones the death. When the prophecy came forth, I did not have a clear vision of the person. In the course of this week, i received a clear vision about this person. This event will affect many, especially the Pentecostal movement because this person is a very influential man of God in this movement.
I saw a certain big hospital on fire. They tried to come and put out the fire but it had already destroyed a number of things and many patients lost their lives. God showed me that in the next six (6) months starting this very May, there is going to be a move of the Spirit in finances, specifically in the figure six (6). There are many people that have been earning 500,000 and below but they are about to step into 600,000;
Oh Uganda, you shall process your oil says the Spirit of the Lord. God says I will show you blessing of oil in areas that you cannot think about says the Spirit. And God says when you see this sign, you shall start to process your oil says the Spirit of the Lord. I see a vision of a time when this nation shall be struck by scarcity of oil. There will be no clear reason for the scarcity but it shall be there.
We should pray for our politicians because I am hearing the word murder, murder; it will be of a male politician. I hear cold blood murder.I also received a good vision about Kampala and what is going to come. It is going to take off very fast. I saw Mayors and Presidents from the first world countries coming to Uganda especially for this city, Kampala. I see connections between Kampala and New York. I saw fly-over roads in this city. The connections that are coming are going to fund the construction of such roads.
I see scenarios of change in sports. There will be a change in leadership, even the Sports Minister shall be changed; some will be replaced. There are people that will be caught but not here, but they have been plotting to carry out an attack in East Africa. They shall be caught in Dar-es-salaam. They shall be in the news, and shall be caught as they are about to carryout an attack. It shall be a big group because it will look like they wanted to start to disorganize East Africa starting from Dares salaam. But the word of the Lord says they shall be caught.I see a Plane crash with an African President.