The word of the Lord comes to me this day of 2nd-April-2020
The nations are terrified coming what is happening, they are now wondering whether this is the end of the world. Thus saith the Lord God, when you said when will the Lord come back ever since He declared that HE is coming back soon. You said it can't be true because many years have passed and nothing is happening, you decided to doubt my word and you went on to live your own lives, Oh you nations of the world.
EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog
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The winds of change continue to blow over this continent of Africa, with times of refreshment in my house, in the Church, the refreshing rain shall be released in this season in my Church, says the Lord. And there will be an awakening, there will be an awakening, says the Lord. I will shake the earth, the earth shall be shaken on behalf of my chosen ones, the earth shall be shaken, that also the kingdom of darkness, can be shaken in this year.
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