2 minutes reading time (388 words)

Change your thoughts and transform your life - Sermon

According to Ephesians 3:20, We need to create room for God in our thoughts every day and not limit our expectations to our natural thoughts. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ever think of. Even in this time, we should not limit our invitation for God’s work only to the material things but even in spiritual things. He is able to elevate us spiritually as well.


In the last week, the Prophet Alpha received a revelation through a dream, where he was in a city and it was raining, and the Lord told him to command the rain to stop. He then ordered the rain to stop raining in a defined area. The revelation from this dream was that we have the ability to command things to move in the way we want them to. There are things in our lives that are waiting for us to command them. You have prayed enough, cried out to the Lord enough and the time has come for you to speak and command the situations in your life to change. We are the light of the world and we need to use this authority to speak to things in our lives; to create our world.

Jeremiah 1:11-12

Some of our prophecies have failed to manifest because we have failed to see as the Lord sees. We need to see as and live as the visions of that the Lord shows us. Jeremiah saw an Almond tree. The Almond tree has its significance:  It is the first fruit tree to wake up after winter. We too need to be fully awake in the Spirit. We need to rise early every morning, speak to God, pray, meditate on the word and command our day to move the way we want it to;  this tree produces oil and oil is a symbol of gladness – Isaiah 61:3. Every day we need to be thankful to God because our burdens are taken care already.  It is a symbol of prosperity.

In the next 28 days, there is a wind of abundance flowing. The prophet Alpha heard the sound of abundance – and we receive it in the name of Jesus! There is a lot of power in the spoken word. Create with NO DOUBT and you shall see the fruits.



You are the light of the World - Sermon
Connecting with the prophetic - Part 2 - Sermon

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