Prophetic Word for 2016
2016 is a pivotal year for Uganda. Things will happen so fast, for I am doing a quick and short work in this year says the lord. You will continue to see a lot of drama in the politics of your nation. There will be drama in the sit and office of mayor in this city. The presidential race shall be tight. The year 2016 marks the beginning of reforms in the electoral commission. The chairperson currently in office is going to leave for a fresh appointment.
The shilling will steadily rise. The nation is set for a new governor of Bank of Uganda. The ministry of Kampala will see a major restructuring. I see a lot of women in the parliament and many independents. Two prominent female politicians will leave this world. There will be exposure in the football association of this country. The president of FUFA will be no more. The fight for “bread” by those in politics is over. The Lord will raise up a people who have right motive. More so in the north and eastern parts of Uganda. The lord will dethrone those with ill motive. The Buganda kingdom will mourn two important men in their kingdom. Tooro kingdom will be greatly shaken.
Healing shall come to this nation signified by unity among politicians. There will be Revival in the eastern part of Kenyan with a sign of floods in this part of Kenya. Kenyans should pray against a plane crash. I saw a big plane belonging to Kenya crashing and killing many.
God will work to bring peace in this nation. Nations will start to get involved in the peace process. They will be active this year.
I saw a weighing scale. God was weighing and America was being weighed. He said “nations will be weighed by the lord this year”. Behold USA shall be weighed. I saw bad groups already on US soil. I saw attacks in shopping malls and people dying in some states like, California, Louisiana, New York and Missouri. I then saw a major earthquake hitting America in the center. America will lose many famous musicians in 2016.
Syria has also been on the measuring scale and 2016 will bring the results that will show this nation wanting, particularly the president who will fall.
I was taken to the nation of Iraq and I saw the nation devastated. I pondered in the spirit “Oh Lord, when will this come to an end” and the lord said, it will end soon, for the people who are dangerous live in the hills and shall be wiped out. I will cause a leader who will rise in the states to complete the work of rebuilding this nation.
I saw this nation hit by a destructive earth quake in the east. The laws will change in this country. Women will start to actively engage in politics. I saw fire in Mumbai.
There will be wailing and mourning because of destructive earthquake. There will be a revolution of youth in Pakistan. This nation is getting prepared to receive a youthful president.
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