4 minutes reading time (738 words)

Week 39

The mountains melt like wax at the sound of my voice. The seas and oceans depart at the sound of my voice. I create change and i cause shifts in the Nations. And i hear the Spirit of God says, that now, that which you have been seeing, that which you have been witnessing and there was fear. Fear within the hearts of the sons of men in this nation, and they said, we are no longer sure of what we can expect.

We are afraid of where we are heading, for the Lord says, hear the word that i speak to you today oh you Uganda. For i speak this word even through my Prophet. That i have chosen this season to utter the oracles that will shift nations and even bring the fall of kings and presidents. For at the sayings of my word shall kings and presidents see their downfall.  For thus says the Lord, for that which you saw, that which you experienced in your nation, for God says he is speaking of a Generation of the Youth.

The Youth are rising up in this generation. For God says, do not be afraid about the debate that has to do with age limit. For thus says the Lord," for it is speaking well of the youth that are rising up into leadership. For the Lord says, it’s not about the Church, it’s about the nation, for the youth shall rise, they shall rise and even take over positions in parliament. For the Lord says, for the time has come that i will take away a certain generation and a new breed of generation shall rise in the politics of this nation, says the spirit of the Living God.

For the Lord says, they can no longer control it, they can no longer stop it, for a generation of the youth is rising up to take their positions. In the parliament, i will place them there, says the Spirit, in the cabinet I will place them there, says the Spirit of the Living God. And the Lord says, there shall be a sign in the ministry of fisheries, there will be a new minister that shall be put.And the Lord says, that minister of fisheries shall be a sign to this nation that a breed of the youth are rising up and they are taking their position in this country says the Lord.

God promised through Joel that there will be restoration of the years eaten by locusts (Joel 2:25-32). In the spiritual realm I see that this is the season we are in, where God is restoring everything that was eaten in the past. And the Lord says that the book of Joel spoke about a generation of the youth. The Lord says it shall work for this nation. The Lord says the wealth of the wicked is transferred into the Church. For God Says, they made their riches, they bow to their riches, they heap their riches and they said, that i will made these riches by my own strength and might. But the Lord says it shall be taken over by other people that I have already preordained, that are now receiving that which was in the hands of the wicked in this season says the Spirit of the living God.

I see the next eleven years. There will be a lot of significant end time events that will happen in the next eleven years globally. What the world has been seeing is a small thing, but in the next eleven years, things will start to become even more clear to the world. There will be fear to those who do not know God. The world will start to live in fear, because i said when they trusted in their own gods, their own weapons and their own wealth and they forgot the Lord their God. For the Lord says the wealth of the nations shall not deliver them, but those who fear me, those who know me, they shall stand out as solutions, as the Light in the next 11 years. For that which is about to befall the world, the Lord says, the economies of major nations shall collapse so that their eyes can be brought back to God himself. Because they focus more on their money and wealth but God is bringing nations back to himself.
Thank You Jesus

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