3 minutes reading time (625 words)

Week 31

The Spirit of God says, there is something that I am doing and this is not the first time I am speaking about this, this event that is going to befall the great east Africa and the great lake region, for God says, as it was in the days of Saul the king when my Spirit was lifted from him and another man was chosen, a young one, God says, you are going to see that in the great lake region of Africa,

For God Says, for the favor, shall and is lifting from the “sauls”, the sauls of our days, or your days that you call “your days” and because of that, their fame shall go down. For God says, I am speaking on the level of politics, I am speaking on the level of leaders, I am speaking on the level of presidents, for the favor, is departed and there is a David that has been anointed and chosen for a time as this, says, the Spirit of the living God.

For it shall come to pass that the very leaders that used to draw crowds and support, for it shall come to pass that they will loose fame, they will loose support and there will be a David, that will rise in different countries in the great lake region of Africa. For God says, you shall see it in the Sudan, you shall see it in the both the upper and lower Sudan. You shall see it in DRC Congo, you shall see it in other countries, for as it was for Saul, so is it in these days and this generation, because Saul refused to give honor to me, Saul, rebelled, rejected me, refused to sanctify me.

So, is what is happening amongst the leaders, but thus says the Lord, for David shall rise up, David shall rise up and shall be favored, because my hand is upon David in those different countries, for God says, and this shall be a sign, they shall be younger, they shall be younger, they shall be younger, they shall be younger. And you shall know that I the Lord, I am doing something in East Africa, in the great lake region of this part of Africa, says the Spirit of the living God.

And in those days when the David’s shall rise up , there will be restoration of worship and praise in my house, for I will rise up psalmists in those days, the psalmists that shall sing songs that come from my Spirit, the psalmists that shall prophesy my word shall be raised up in the days, when the David’s shall rise up in the great lake region of this part of Africa says the Lord.

A new day has dawned for Zimbabwe, not because of the one that has been elected, and the Lord says, there will be an awakening, a shaking in that country, there shall be a physical sign, when the earth shall be shaken, within Zimbabwe and it shall be a sign that a new day has dawned for that country, not because, of the leader but because of what my Spirit wants to do in this country. For in the days of the currently elected president, as he rules, as he serves the country, he will face a lot of challenges, a lot of challenges but God says, because I am doing something in this country, I will sustain him if he learns to trust, because, the Lord says, there are some enemies from within that will sabotage his days of leadership, his days of leadership, but God says, he will be sustained when the Church Prays, when also he learns to Pray and trust in the Lord.

Week 38
Week 29

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