1 minute reading time (222 words)

Mayor - North Korea - West Africa

Continue to pray for the health of the one who is Lord Mayor. I see him falling sick and flown out in a terrible condition. I also see a fire outbreak in a bank that is not of God. This bank has C written on it. I see fire brigade in the building. This Spirit of God says, we should continue to pray against this as this is the work of the devil.

The Spirit of God is going to shake Asia, especially North Korea. There is a shaking coming and I am seeing an earth quake in North Korea. A very big earthquake in North Korea, but it is like a way of shaking, The Spirit of God says that as I bring shaking in that area, the Lord says that I will bring down the Arrogant, the proud heart shall be brought down and that is the sign of the shaking that shall be evident.

I see a country in the West Africa. This is not the first time this prophecy is coming. I am seeing flags raised. A top leader, a president dying. This leader, there is a shift of leadership in this country. Another mantle, someone else, because this leader knows that he is not supposed to be the leader at this time. But he is just there.

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