Winds of Change - 2020 Part Two
The word of the Lord came to me concerning Uganda saying “Thus says the Lord, prepare the way, prepare, for behold it is a year of a new beginning in this country. That which has been known about this country is changing. The winds of change, the winds of change, behold a new chapter for greatness in this country.” Then I started to see the army becoming very active in the North.
Like something was not right in the north that made the UPDF to concentrate in the North. But God will give victory. There will be something in the ministry of health.Something to do with the health sector performing better in this year. As a sign, a certain person who has played a very big role in the health sector will pass away in their time. This will be the sign of a new era in the health sector. I saw an illness, a skin disease that wasn’t good. We need to continue praying against this.I saw tension, a testing time for politicians. There will be an exposure of things that have been concealed or hidden for a long time. Some politicians have been doing whatever they are doing with a hidden agenda. 2020 will be a year of exposure. We shall know why so and so has been doing this. Why so and so has wanted to be president. To know why so and so wants to remain as president. The hidden agendas are going to be exposed this year. There will continue to be divisions in the opposition and in the ruling party. I saw youth in the ruling party causing a revolution because they were tired.
This will cause a headache and stress to the ruling party. It will be a challenging year for KCCA, I again saw something to do with the health of the Lord Mayor. He needs prayer. Some MP’s shall continue to lose favor to youthful politicians. As a sign, there are 8 big name MP’s that are on the verge of being ejected from parliament. God told me that he is going to carry out his own cabinet reshuffle because whatever was recently done was not his will. I could sense that the president didn’t make some changes out of a fear of certain individuals. This year will be a difficult time for the sports icons of Uganda because of an attack on their health. There is a spirit that wants to end their lives this year. We need to continue praying against this.
Angola, thus says the Lord, change is coming to you because I see the leader having health challenges which is a sign of a change. Be prepared for a new leader who will be youthful. God said that change will continue on the African continent, change in leadership. He said that what happened in Daniel 5:25 will affect many of the leaders on the continent of Africa.
We are going to see major scientific breakthroughs this year, in medicine, cures for complicated ailments.
I heard the word about Asia saying, “Awake, awake oh Asia and turn to the true God, your refuge is God Almighty, for behold a storm shall come and Asia shall be in Panic because of a storm that threatens to wipe away some parts of this continent. When I heard this word about Asia, i was reminded that we are getting close to the end times.
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