The Power of Being a Child of God - Sermon
Greetings to our guests and we continue to thank God for the testimonies. In Eagles Wings Prophetic Ministry we believe in the New Testament Prophetic Ministry, we believe that God still speaks and that what He speaks shall come to pass. You have now joined the group of those who witness the future; you know Jesus said that you shall witness these things. So you too have become witness and now you shall believe.
In fact the reason Jesus would predict things was so that people would believe. When a prophecy comes to pass, your faith becomes stronger. So whoever used to stop you from coming over, you can now silence them because you have tested something with no shadow of doubt and you know that God is in our midst! In Ezekiel, God told the prophet “when all this comes to pass, as it surely will, then they shall know that a Prophet is in their midst.” In Jeremiah 28:9, He continues to say that “when a prophet prophesies something and it comes to pass, then he shall be known as a prophet of God”. So this means according to the biblical teaching that true prophetic office was certified through predictions. Prophets predict national and international events; every time you are around a prophet you should take note of those words. As long as you are in a company of prophets, writing down is very important.
Just as the prophecy of the earthquake, a national prophecy, came to pass, so shall every personal word that we have spoken into your life come to pass. It shall not return to God in vain. Be it a financial prophecy, a marriage prophecy, a prophecy on ministry, it shall come to pass! Every situation in your life is shaken. The Lord told me something the night when the prophecy manifested, He said – “be very careful about dates” and when I asked him why he said, “because in the last meeting you told people to expect to begin to receive phone calls from people they’ve not heard from in a while starting 3rd July. You did not know that that was the day when the prophecy of the earthquake would manifest and the reason why you did not know is because you were rushing to conclude the point.” I learnt something from that and I encourage you too to learn, that sometimes when we are in the presence of God, we need to give Him liberty to do whatever He wants. We all want to receive complete and not incomplete things. And every time a Man of God speaks a date about something, let him tell you the details about the date. In addition to that the Lord told me that “if you be obedient and speak that which I have told you, the level at which you prophesy will go to another level”. He added that “there are times when you hear something I have told you but do not speak it as said”. So we are going to be more spot on and speak as He tells us.
John 1:12 – Jesus came to make us free from the law but it takes the power to be called a child of God. As a child of God no situation can overcome you, it is under your feet because you are a child of God. Last week we learnt that the power of God is revealed in His creation and read from Psalms 148:5-6. Today we shall look at Psalms 65:5-10. IN here we see the power of God also revealed in the way He sustains the earth. The earth is sustained by Him and everything is under control. No one can mess it up. So that is why you cannot go to heaven using a rocket. Even as they tried to build the tower of Babylon, He stopped it. Everything is under the power of God.
So it takes the power of God to be a child of God and God delegated that power to us, He did not keep it to Himself. If you are a son or daughter of God, you have power, you are victorious, no situation is permanent. You cannot be limited. You’ll be tripled in every area of your life. Those that are standing in your way, God can take them away for you. The Bible says I will give up nations for your sake. There are people at your work place that shall be chased away for your sake. Now prophetically I tell you, write down the name of that person that is a pain at your work place right now (some of you have not been promoted for years or even been appreciated at your work place because of certain people. So we are reporting those people now!). Prophetic prayer – “Father we thank you because you are taking care of those people right now, for the sake of your children. They shall come here to testify.” There are some of you where those people have been standing in the way of your promotion, but you shall be promoted. So it is done. You can now cancel that name from your book; ignore that because it is done! Amen
God delegated the power to us. When you read Genesis 1:26-28 – God said “let us create man in our image that he may have dominion over all things”. I do not know if God had a meeting but He said “let us create man in our image”; this mean we have a Godly element in us So as a child of God with Christ in you, you have dominion over all things and actually even the power to subdue. That is why I reject the power of retardation or failure. We have the power to create – He said let them multiply and fill the earth. God believes in multiplication; multiply anointing, multiply favor of God, multiply gifting, multiply in the word of God, multiply finances. Every day create money and add something of value to your life; you should be fruitful. Every day is a blessed day, make it a day that you shall lend, and think about how to spend your money. Some people rise each morning thinking of where to borrow money to sustain them. We are children of God, we have the power to create, and we need to use that power. Those with houses create more houses, with cars, create more cars, with a piece of land, create more land. CREATE!! So I create right now – you too create something right now, create. Create something in this month of July. We create in the name of Jesus, more money, more favor, more anointing, we grow in favor in the name of Jesus.
If you read Psalms 115:16 you shall learn that the earth has been given to the children of man – to you and to me. All the minerals, nations, oil is yours. In heaven there is no money, it is here. There is no "Audi Q7" in heaven; it is for you here on earth. So reject death before you acquire that which belongs to you. How can you work for people for three years with no promotion? – promotion is yours in Jesus’ name. Become your own boss. I believe that it is the will of God for all of us to be owners, self employed. God has delegated His power over the earth to us. So it is up to us. We should not blame God for every situation in our lives because He has given us the authority. Reject the negative mind, know what you want and know that you have the power to create it. Have friends that are at the level you desire so that you share like minds with people that are where you want to be. In Psalm 110: 1 God says sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool. We are the body of Christ, we are in Him, all our enemies are under Him. So you do not need to fight now, the battle is His. Victory is yours, rejoice in that.
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