EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog

Teachings & Prophetic Updates

Week 23 - Prophetic Conference

To the Body of Jesus Christ
Allow my light to shine through you and come out of your traditions, for the Glory of the Lord has come in fullness as you keep watching. For the ancient Prophet Habakkuk said he would keep watching and see what the Lord would show him. Arise and watch that you shall flow with the divine of him who has called you. For in every place where my name is exalted my glory shall be manifested and there will be a flow of my Miracles not your own Miracles, not your own names but only my name be exalted says the Lord.

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Week 44

I see an attack on the health of the leader of North Korea. In the Spirit, he is one of the "Goliaths" who is falling down.
North Korea will be free from dictatorship because God is liberating them.

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2124 Hits

Week 48

The spirit of murder,continue to pray against it. You have been hearing about tycoons being killed. In the spirit, it continues to increase. As we worshiped, i saw that spirit magnify itself and I saw a male MP murdered in the Spirit.There is a female figure about to be given a certain position by the president. She has been very quiet and not very noisy. This shall signify the time for ladies in this nation.

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Week 13

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