EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog

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The Prophetic Word for 2017

The waiting is over. In 2017 you will not wait any more.The Lord says, it will be a year of reward according to what each of us has been doing. For those who have worshiped him in truth and Spirit will see a year of accomplishment. But those who have worshiped idols will be brought to shame for they will be greatly exposed. The lord Accompanied it with scripture from "Jeremiah 8:1-2"

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Week 20

Oh Uganda, you shall process your oil says the Spirit of the Lord.  God says I will show you blessing of oil in areas that you cannot think about says the Spirit.  And God says when you see this sign, you shall start to process your oil says the Spirit of the Lord.  I see a vision of a time when this nation shall be struck by scarcity of oil. There will be no clear reason for the scarcity but it shall be there. 

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