The waiting is over. In 2017 you will not wait any more.The Lord says, it will be a year of reward according to what each of us has been doing. For those who have worshiped him in truth and Spirit will see a year of accomplishment. But those who have worshiped idols will be brought to shame for they will be greatly exposed. The lord Accompanied it with scripture from "Jeremiah 8:1-2"
EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog
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Some people were supposed to lose their lives in a plane crash but they are going to be saved. It will be a Kenyan plane. They will be saved narrowly. It will be in the news.God says “the weather patterns will change in this nation. You are familiar with rain; the rainy and dry season” but God says “even that which you see in the countries of the west, the mist and the ice, which are strange to a country like Uganda will happen”.
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