EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog

Teachings & Prophetic Updates

Week 35

There will be a new male minister for Education very soon.The FDC will split on tribal grounds with a group of mainly northerners forming their own party.The Democratic Party will again split and become very weak.I saw flags at half mast in Zimbabwe. The death of the Zimbabwean leader is imminent. The ruling party in Zimbabwe will be greatly weakened by his death.

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Week 20

Oh Uganda, you shall process your oil says the Spirit of the Lord.  God says I will show you blessing of oil in areas that you cannot think about says the Spirit.  And God says when you see this sign, you shall start to process your oil says the Spirit of the Lord.  I see a vision of a time when this nation shall be struck by scarcity of oil. There will be no clear reason for the scarcity but it shall be there. 

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