The Spirit of God says, there is something that I am doing and this is not the first time I am speaking about this, this event that is going to befall the great east Africa and the great lake region, for God says, as it was in the days of Saul the king when my Spirit was lifted from him and another man was chosen, a young one, God says, you are going to see that in the great lake region of Africa,
EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog
There are Changes happening in the East African region. The DRC will soon have new leadership. The Spirit says, these changes are for this region. You may not see a change in the leadership of other nations but change is coming.
Watch and see what i do in the great lakes region in 2017, says the Spirit. I am preparing this region for my great works in the Endtimes.
In a dream, i went to Dokolo and i saw the female MP Dead. The cause of her death was a mystery as if someone intended to end her life.I also saw the speaker of parliament with an illness that weakened her legs in this dream. I believe this isn't the will of GOD and i would really like to meet and pray with them.A group shall be held and exposed in this city, they shall be exposed even in kabalagala, they shall be exposed even in makindye,they shall be exposed even in ntinda, for GOD says, i will uncover that which has been hidden. Those that have been plotting to do harm to you, says the spirit.
Democratic Republic of Congo There will be a chopper that will on the land of DRC. It is a big chopper, some people will shoot it and it will come down. The Lord says that that very group has no future. God says that when the chopper comes down it will be a sign of the beginning of their coming down themselves says the Spirit of the Living God.