EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog

Teachings & Prophetic Updates

Week 29

I am fighting delusion and lies within my house, says the Spirit of the Living God. For this is not the first time. For, I spoke in the past. I have been speaking of a day and a time that will come, that the same scenario that happened in the days of the early Church , when two dropped dead in the house because of lies and fear came back to the church. God says, I will resist and I will fight delusion

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  1611 Hits
1611 Hits

Week 1

The Lord says, there will be fear, there will be a fear of my name that shall be evident within my house. For when it was prophesied sometime back and people said, when will that happen, and they said, all those that are prophesying such things, they are just deceiving and lying to the church, but I say to thee, that what I speak is the truth and when I make a promise, i bring it to pass.

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  1842 Hits
1842 Hits

Message to the Church

On the night of Saturday 20th a strong presence filled my room and shook my bed. An audible voice spoke saying "I have come to prove if what I am hearing from my messengers is true. I have proved it to be true that many have gone the way of balaam and diverted from my true Gospel. I am going to rekindle a fire in my Church , not for Revival , not of Miracles , but to expose every false teaching and doctrine.

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  1774 Hits
1774 Hits