EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog

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God's Original Plan for Man - Part 7 - Sermon

We thank God for all the testimonies because it is sign that God is moving in our lives.  This is June and between now and December, something must happen in each of our lives.  Thanks to all that are supporting the ministry and those that are sowing their seeds. I am praying for you.  Some are believing for cars and others just for money and you shall all receive it in Jesus name.

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Week 24

I sense this, but it is not going to be heavy, it is not going to be alarming; in the Spirit it is like I am already there.  There is going to be a shaking here in Kampala; there is going to be an earthquake in this city.  The Lord says there is a connection to that; the Lord says that I am shaking the foundations of the enemy, the satanic altars.  This spiritual shaking will manifest as an earthquake in the Natural Realm.

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God's Original Plan for Man - Part 6 - Sermon

You are welcome to our ministry, a place where we believe that God is speaking 24/7, as long as you are available.  Recently a friend of mine was reading about a certain prophet and was asking me how he manages to prophesy to many people (he prophesied to over 115 people in a conference of 150 people.) I told him that he received that revelation and he believes that he can prophesy at will. 

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Week 23

I see scenarios of change in sports. There will be a change in leadership, even the Sports Minister shall be changed; some will be replaced. There are people that will be caught but not here, but they have been plotting to carry out an attack in East Africa. They shall be caught in Dar-es-salaam.  They shall be in the news, and shall be caught as they are about to carryout an attack. It shall be a big group because it will look like they wanted to start to disorganize East Africa starting from Dares salaam.  But the word of the Lord says they shall be caught.I see a Plane crash with an African President.

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Week 22

We should pray for our politicians because I am hearing the word murder, murder; it will be of a male politician. I hear cold blood murder.I also received a good vision about Kampala and what is going to come.  It is going to take off very fast.  I saw Mayors and Presidents from the first world countries coming to Uganda especially for this city, Kampala.  I see connections between Kampala and New York. I saw fly-over roads in this city.  The connections that are coming are going to fund the construction of such roads. 

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Acting on the Prophetic Word - Sermon

Today is the last day of May and we shall never see a month of the kind again.  Some may have already written off the month yet something can still happen today! We are in the season of the 6 months and the significance of the figure 6.  I believe it too.  You can choose to believe any amount in the figure 6 – you alone can limit yourself.  I believe that I can receive 6 billion.In these 6 months, your 6 brothers or sisters can get saved. 

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Judging Prophecy - Sermon

We give God the glory for the fulfillment of His word in these few weeks.  Some newspapers have been closed as spoken in October last year. There has been a change in the army commander and also a cabinet reshuffle.  And we also received a surprise visit from the President of Sri Lanka. You know we serve a God who knows ALL things and if He can fulfill things that are happening to nations, how much more can He fulfill your personal prophecies.

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God's Original Plan for Man - Part 5 - Sermon

As mentioned in the past few weeks, God’s original plan was to have a relationship with God. God did not start any religion, all religions were started by man.  No one should deceive you that religion was started by God.  That is why you shall see a Catholic, Muslim, Orthodox, Methodist being saved by the Lord and God uses them in a mighty way;  because when you accept Jesus as your personal Lord, you become a child of God. 

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Week 20

Oh Uganda, you shall process your oil says the Spirit of the Lord.  God says I will show you blessing of oil in areas that you cannot think about says the Spirit.  And God says when you see this sign, you shall start to process your oil says the Spirit of the Lord.  I see a vision of a time when this nation shall be struck by scarcity of oil. There will be no clear reason for the scarcity but it shall be there. 

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Week 19

I saw a certain big hospital on fire. They tried to come and put out the fire but it had already destroyed a number of things and many patients lost their lives. God showed me that in the next six (6) months starting this very May, there is going to be a move of the Spirit in finances, specifically in the figure six (6). There are many people that have been earning 500,000 and below but they are about to step into 600,000;

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God's Original Plan for Man - Part 4 - Sermon

Over the past few weeks I have been sharing with you about religion and relationship with God. Religion is of man and involves certain rituals.  That is why every time you fall, you may unconsciously revert to religious practices if you are not well grounded in the word. For example, when you tell yourself that you have to pray and fast for God to have mercy on me, these are religious beliefs.

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God's Original Plan for Man - Part 3 - Sermon

I have been sharing with you that religion is man made and not from God.  It was after the fall of man that he came up with his own religion.  In Genesis Adam made his own clothes but God corrected him and gave him skin.  This was to show that God did not want your own works.  That animal skin was a symbol of Jesus’ death through which we are made righteous. We defend our religions a lot however we should take

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Week 18

We shall continue to pray about a revelation that was given here, a certain prophecy about a spiritual leader dying. I told you it was the will of God. But somehow I pray that God postpones the death.  When the prophecy came forth, I did not have a clear vision of the person. In the course of this week, i received a clear vision about this person.  This event will affect  many, especially the Pentecostal movement because this person is a very influential man of God in this movement.

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God's Original Plan for Man - Part 2 - Sermon

I shared with you last week that God’s intention was not religion but relationship. His will is a personal relationship with God. Religion demands action to please God,whereas relationship demands faith in Jesus.Genesis 3:8-10 – Adam and Even heard the sound of God coming down and they hid. I believe that God used to come down to relate with His people. The interesting thing is they heard the sound of Him walking, this is a high level of relationship with God,

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Week 17

I hear the Lord saying that the changes that I prophesied are not yet over.  There will be a change in Army Commander, a new name.It is not yet over says the Spirit of the Lord.There is movement of my Spirit in Gulu, changes are coming in Gulu. There shall be heavy floods. This is not to condemn them or judge them but a sign of the move of my Spirit in that district.  They will say ‘these floods are unusual’ but it will be a sign says the Spirit.

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