EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog
Week 38
I saw in a dream, a big flat in which were many restaurants where people would go to eat food. These restaurants belonged to different political parties ( in Uganda ). People would eat and come out satisfied. There is a certain restaurant where people started to get conscious saying "that man, his food is poisonous, every time i eat from his place, i get stomach complications".
Week 31
The Spirit of God says, there is something that I am doing and this is not the first time I am speaking about this, this event that is going to befall the great east Africa and the great lake region, for God says, as it was in the days of Saul the king when my Spirit was lifted from him and another man was chosen, a young one, God says, you are going to see that in the great lake region of Africa,
Week 29
I am fighting delusion and lies within my house, says the Spirit of the Living God. For this is not the first time. For, I spoke in the past. I have been speaking of a day and a time that will come, that the same scenario that happened in the days of the early Church , when two dropped dead in the house because of lies and fear came back to the church. God says, I will resist and I will fight delusion
Week 1
The Lord says, there will be fear, there will be a fear of my name that shall be evident within my house. For when it was prophesied sometime back and people said, when will that happen, and they said, all those that are prophesying such things, they are just deceiving and lying to the church, but I say to thee, that what I speak is the truth and when I make a promise, i bring it to pass.
The Prophetic Word for 2018
A lot of things will happen in this coming year. And it will happen so fast and I will do a quick work. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, speak loud the word, proclaim it from the top so that it can be heard for he who has an ear should hear what my Spirit says. For whoever does not gather with me shall be scattered, says the Lord. I will strike the shepherd and the flock will scatter.
Week 47
The Spirit of God says, it was a time of labor and the time was ripe in the 1990s that something was birthed in this nation. There was a wave, there was a grace that I released upon this nation in the 1990s and as they walked the way some diverted, some remained on the path of righteousness and some became servants of men. Servants of men, they took orders from mere men,
Week 46
And I see a country, and I see the word Madagascar, and I see water in that country and I am wondering what it means and the Lord says, so shall there be a move and a sweep of my Spirit in that country. The Lord says there will be a move of my Spirit in that country, there will be a revival that will be birthed in that country, that also will be symbolized by the visible waters that will come in that country.
Week 42
And the Spirit of the Lord says, for it was a prayer that was taught. It was taught even to the disciples. That the kingdom of God come and the will of the Lord be done, that it be done in the heaven, even the earth should be in alignment. I hear the Spirit of God saying that in this nation when i am exalted when i am lifted, shall i also lift this nation to greater levels and greater heights.
Week 41
I saw a net, like the nets they use for catching fish, coming from heaven. It fell on someone and he was grabbed in this net. And the Spirit of the Lord said to me that the time is over for the person i was seeing. The time is over for his reign. The days have been counted. He has been weighed and found wanting like the story of Daniel. The net fell on a leader in Africa
Week 39
The mountains melt like wax at the sound of my voice. The seas and oceans depart at the sound of my voice. I create change and i cause shifts in the Nations. And i hear the Spirit of God says, that now, that which you have been seeing, that which you have been witnessing and there was fear. Fear within the hearts of the sons of men in this nation, and they said, we are no longer sure of what we can expect.
Week 35
I picked Saul from his Family and it was the least. It was too much for him. He was not ready to receive the message that i delivered through the Prophet. And i was delighted in Saul. I delighted in him. I said to Samuel, " a man that is like no other one" and when Saul rose to Power, all was going well until the time when he started to take me for granted and he took me lightly.
Week 23 - Prophetic Conference
To the Body of Jesus Christ
Allow my light to shine through you and come out of your traditions, for the Glory of the Lord has come in fullness as you keep watching. For the ancient Prophet Habakkuk said he would keep watching and see what the Lord would show him. Arise and watch that you shall flow with the divine of him who has called you. For in every place where my name is exalted my glory shall be manifested and there will be a flow of my Miracles not your own Miracles, not your own names but only my name be exalted says the Lord.
Week 11
Continue to pray against a helicopter crash in Congo that will be carrying soldiers, because it isn't the will of God. There is something going to happen to the current secretary general of the UN. He will not finish his term. The Spirit of God says, there is someone who will take over this position. This person will play a role in the fulfillment of a prophecy over the middle east. There is a season we have been ushered into as a church. This is the work of God.
Week 6
On 31st January, while praying, I was ushered into a realm beyond praying in tongues that I am used to. I was awake and not asleep. The word of the Lord came to me and I beheld the visions of God where I was taken into the past, into the time of the beginning and I saw the man Adam. I saw when the breath of God came into him and he became a living being. I saw Angels and a specific Angel spoke to me
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