EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog

Teachings & Prophetic Updates

You are the light of the World - Sermon

According to Matthew 5:14-16, We are the light of the world, and we need to let our light shine so that men can see it and see the glory of God in heaven. We have a responsibility to make that light shine brighter. Some of us our light is deem and others shining brightly. We need to make our light shine according to the talent and gifting God has placed within us.

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Change your thoughts and transform your life - Sermon

According to Ephesians 3:20, We need to create room for God in our thoughts every day and not limit our expectations to our natural thoughts. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ever think of. Even in this time, we should not limit our invitation for God’s work only to the material things but even in spiritual things. He is able to elevate us spiritually as well.

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Connecting with the prophetic - Part 2 - Sermon

In Genesis 15:5, God had to bring Abram out of his tent so that he could see clearly. There is no way he could see the stars while inside the tent. In the New Testament, the tent refers to the body. You cannot see correctly or rightly when you are still in your tent (you do not have to die). If you want to see to correctly you have to be in the Spirit.

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Week 6

Due to mounting pressures, a lady minister will resign. While this will cause much wonder in the public it will be for the good of the nation as well as her person.A certain event involving a prominent figure will initiate investigations into the dealings of a certain hotel.There will be a surprise visit to Uganda by a president outside Africa. This president will just wake up one morning and say that he’d like to visit Uganda. His arrival on Ugandan soil will symbolize the beginning political and economic changes in the Country.

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Connecting with the prophetic - Part 1 - Sermon

In 1 Samuel 19:20, Saul’s messengers, when in the presence of the group of prophets and Samuel their leader, the Spirit of the Lord came upon them and they prophesied. When in the presence of the Prophetic or the Prophets, we too become partakers of the anointing. We begin to hear God and see visions. In Genesis 15:1-6, the word of the Lord came unto Abram

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Week 3

Dream received during the week by Prophet Alpha: In the first dream I saw a disastrous event in London that will lead to the loss of many lives. I saw an arrow emerge from a great sea targeting London. When it hit London, there was loss of many lives.In the second dream I saw a great war that will rise in a small nation. I also saw America being accused of supporting this nation.

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Pre-2013 Prophetic Messages

The word of the LORD comes to me this day of 13th August 2011 concerning the nations of the World:Russia “The person in the top position will have to go through a shakeup. Certain things will be exposed and there will be a time of debate concerning this person even on CNN”. After his departure from office, there will be another controversial President.”“Russia will also be hit by terrible floods that will leave many homeless and some will die especially in the south.”

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