EaglesWings Prophetic Ministries Blog

Teachings & Prophetic Updates

Week 52

The Lord says, 2017 will be a year of rift. There is a wind of change, that was started in 2010. I ordained it to take 10 years. In the Next 4 years, the wind of change will continue to blow over the continent of Africa. The wind of change isn't over yet. The nation of Morroco will go through certain changes of rising fuel prices, riots.. This will also point to the change. Continue to pray for the Mayor of Kampala City as something is about to happen to him.

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The Prophetic Word for 2017

The waiting is over. In 2017 you will not wait any more.The Lord says, it will be a year of reward according to what each of us has been doing. For those who have worshiped him in truth and Spirit will see a year of accomplishment. But those who have worshiped idols will be brought to shame for they will be greatly exposed. The lord Accompanied it with scripture from "Jeremiah 8:1-2"

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Week 46

An elderly man will soon be appointed to lead the nation of Israel.I am watching what the king of the North is doing. Who is the King of the North ? The Spirit of God says, when you read of Gog and Magog that i mentioned through my Prophet Ezekiel, for God says, the King of the North is the Leader of Russia. He says in his heart, " I will now trap America through their present Leader ".

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Week 40

I was shown a disastrous earthquake in the East of Japan that kills many. Continue to pray for salvation and lives to be spared as it will happen.Something is going to happen, a wonder, the unimaginable. In East Africa, a president will step down before the end of his term. This will make worldwide headline news. It will be said that "African President Steps Down".

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Week 39

Continue to Pray for the Speaker of parliament because i see her in a Coma in hospital in less than a month.Also Continue to Pray for the minister of water and environment because i see something bad happening to him.There is a Russian passenger plane that i saw crash in turkey and the news media blamed this on turkey. It is not the will of God for these to die, continue to pray against this.

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Week 37

The UPDF will soon undergo a restructuring in which the Army Commander and Spokesman will be replaced.
A new president will arise in Egypt. Through him, the Gospel will spread in the Country. In place of the current President, i saw a youthful President who will be in his 40's.

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Message to the Church

On the night of Saturday 20th a strong presence filled my room and shook my bed. An audible voice spoke saying "I have come to prove if what I am hearing from my messengers is true. I have proved it to be true that many have gone the way of balaam and diverted from my true Gospel. I am going to rekindle a fire in my Church , not for Revival , not of Miracles , but to expose every false teaching and doctrine.

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Week 34

I see an impending disaster in Peru that is not of God. I see many lives lost as a result of a plane crash. This is the work of the devil. Let's continue to pray against this.There are 3 government ministers whom I don't see finishing two and half years due to health complications. Two of them were not meant to be ministers. They were chosen by the will of man. The one who is rightly positioned as a minister is the one whose name starts with "R".

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Week 31

The certain old lady politician is about to go home. Pray for her salvation because it is her time. It will happen between a Friday and a Sunday. It will make news headlines.I see a coup in an African Country, i see Mali, and it is a success. Concerning this, the Lord says, something good will emerge. The army will not run the country for many months. They will prepare the nation for something better.

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Week 24

A sitting African president will pass away within 8months. Three radio stations in Uganda will be closed due to Security related issues. A group of people will be caught involved in illegal activities in Masindi,they will be arrested.I will cause you to wonder and be shocked as I start to uproot and destroy all altars of satan says the Lord. There will be a show of my might ( says the Lord ).

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Week 23

I see a change in the Top Leadership of UPDF, the top commander will very soon be changed. I was then taken to Ethiopia where i saw mourning of a former prime minister. When I inquired of the Lord on the significance, he reminded me of the prophetic word about the youth uprising in Ethiopia. He said, when this event (mourning) takes place, it will be time for the youth to arise in Ethiopia.

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Week 20

A strong wind that will start to blow in the north of our nation and we will see and hear of fire outbreaks in the northern parts of Uganda.In the month of June which is a few days away,God showed me that leaders across the world will start to harvest what they have been sowing in the past.Some world leaders will even die.

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Week 15

There is a revolution and change of leadership that will soon take place in Ethiopia. As a sign, their Constitution will be changed. This revolution will be stirred up by the youth. Pray against a train derailment that catches fire in Ethiopia.Pray for the health of our Prime Minister in Uganda.The Governor of the Bank of Uganda is about to be changed. The time is close for this to happen.

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Week 11

A leader of an East African country will fall sick and be taken abroad for treatment, leaving his deputy in-charge. God is using this event to correct this leader.To open his eyes to the things he hasn't been doing right.While in hospital, he will think through and see the need to reform. From that time, alot will happen in that country. This is the will of God.

The present coach of Barcelona football club will fall sick and pass away which will be a big blow to this club. Pray for his Salvation.

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Week 9

Two female prominent politicians will resign soon to the shock of the country. One will be the will of GOD and the other it will be as a result of pressure from inside.Thus saith the Lord, i am not through with closing of the chapter of "old politicians",for there will be a new chapter even in the new cabinet of Ministers. And this shall be a  sign,"I will remove and pull a way the current third deputy prime minister"

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