3 minutes reading time (568 words)

The Kingdom of God is Power - Sermon

Last week we shared on seeking first the Kingdom of God and all the rest will fall in line. We continued to learn what the Kingdom of God is and Romans 14:17 showed us that the Kingdom of God is  not about eating or drinking but is about righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.Today we learn another aspect of the Kingdom of God; for the Kingdom of God is not just in word but in power – 1 Corinthians 4:20.

Once u start to see the kingdom of God, and you see God in Christ and then see yourself the way God sees you, then you will not just be a mere talker but you will have power. Every Kingdom here on earth has power, when a prince or King passes by, the whole place gets disorganized, and he is recognized. So if an earthly kingdom has such power, how much more power shall we have? The power that works inside of us; the power that has the ability to transform things; it is the kind of power that calls things that are not as though they are. You cease to look at things the way the world does, you look at things through God’s eyes.

There are times when we have dreams in the night when we are eating with Kings, owners of properties and yet in real life it is the total opposite. In the dream you have dollars and in real life you have only seen them on TV.  What God is trying to tell you through your dream is that is where you are supposed to be.  Some people are told of their anointing – that you can heal the sick – but you deny it, saying how can that happen to me, how can I do that.  We need to change that kind of thinking. Some of us are holding on to the past, to things that happened to our great grandparents and believe that we are in the bondage of those curses as well.  However we need to remember that if every man be in Christ, we are new creation – 2 Corinthians 5:17.


The Kingdom of God is not just in words but in power; power that manifests things. You do not just talk about the Kingdom, you live it, and you are the kingdom. Wherever you go, they see the Kingdom. When everyone is crying for lack of money, you shall not cry; for you are of this world and yet you are not of this world. You do not depend on the economy of this country and your life is not controlled by what you are going through. You have the report of God and you know what the bible is saying; you better believe that report. And that is how everything will change and everyone will know that you represent the Kingdom of God.


It is time for the church to start to demonstrate the power of the Lord more than ever before; it is time for us to go beyond just words.  Let mo man deceive you that you are just ordinary. Let no man look down upon that dream, because you can achieve it.  This year 2013 is your year, a year for you to move on. God says that rise, rise, it is time for you to rise and operate with the authority!!


Week 12
Week 11

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